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Skulls | Not Just For Kids

My sons love that I have a bit of a thing for skulls. Especially the eldest who loves pirates and therefore anything with a skull and crossbones. They're not so impressed with the look-but-don't-touch rule when it comes to my skull candles! 

The skull trend has been around for a while now and by the look of these cool design pieces, it may be here for a while longer. Here's hoping!

Skull chair by Léa Padovani & Sébastien Kieffer of Pool
Skull necklaces via depends what day it is 
'Wasted Youth' (left) and 'Shelf Life' (right) by artist James Hopkins from a
series of mixed media in which random objects and furniture are composed 

to create the image of human skulls
Skull candle ranges from D.L & Co
Skull jewellery and scarf by Alexander McQueen 
Alexander McQueen white floral skull tank
Barbara Bui skull detail tank available from
Limited edition ceramics at Flotsam & JetsamModelled on original 
Crown Lynn pieces with gold skull and crossbones transfer. Cups are made 
from iconic NZ Railway cups   

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